"Bachelors Abroad" is a National Geographic Channel reality show based around the international dating company, A Foreign Affair. The company is based out of Phoenix, Arizona.
The first episode took place in Ukraine and primarily followed three main clients, Bob, Bill and Joe, but we also got to meet the president of A Foreign Affair, John Adams.
The three bachelors seemed to have a fun time at the first social, but some more than others. Bob, who seemed like one of the most energetic men on the planet over 50, was jumping from table to table meeting as many women as he could. Although many of them seemed out of his age range, he still enjoyed getting to know new people in a new environment. Joe and Bill had a more casual approach to meeting the women at the social, but Joe seemed to have more success. It became obvious that Bill was still a bit hung up on his divorce and wasn't fully prepared to throw himself into a serious new relationship.
The dates the bachelors went on were both good and bad. At certain times, it felt like having the interpreter there hindered their ability to really get to know each other. It was hard to tell whether they were struggling with a language barrier, or just didn't have any chemistry.
On some of the other dates, however, there seemed to be a lot of chemistry even with the interpreter there. Joe, in particular, had a date that seemed to go very well. In the end they were sitting on the same side of the table, very close and getting to know each other comfortably through the interpreter.
"Bachelors Abroad" was an interesting exploration. But in all honesty, the men and women involved seemed just the same as any other person on any other dating, love or relationship reality show. They were all just normal people trying to find someone special to share their life with. Hopefully, we will get to find out what happened to these three bachelors!!!